Project Planning, Programming and Controls
Australasian Project Planning can provide a range of services covering Project Planning, Programming (Scheduling) and Controls.
Planning and Programming Capabilities
Details on how Australasian Project Planning can assist an organisation in strategic development and implementation of Planning and Programming Capabilities are provided below.
What Capabilities can be developed?
Australasian Project Planning can assist in the development and implementation of organisational capabilities including:
- Planning Standards: covering the areas of People, Processes and Tools.
- Assurance Processes: Project and Programme review and assessment processes for tender and delivery phases
- Knowledge Management: Facilitation of knowledge management workshops and projects
- Tools and Systems: Identification, evaluation, selection, training and implementation of Planning and Programming tools and systems
Maturity Assessments
Australasian Project Planning and provide an assessment of existing Planning and Programming capabilities against organisational targets and industry best practices
Programme Assurance
Details on Programme Assurance services are provided below:
What is Programme Assurance?
Programme Assurance is an independent review or examination of the Planning and Programming of a Project, and can include:
- Review of the Programme data
- Review of the assumptions the programme is based upon
- Review of other project data to ensure alignment (eg, Progress reports, Cost reports)
- Review of the effectiveness of Planning and Programming on a project
Why perform Programme Assurance?
The purpose of Programme Assurance is to provide an assessment on following aspects of Planning and Programming:
- Assumptions: Does the Programme reflect the scope, methodology, constraints and other assumptions that are the planned outcomes for the project
- Technical Construction: Has the programme been technically constructed such that it will accurately reflect project dependencies
- Usefulness: Is the Programme widely being used as a management and decision making tool as intended
- Accuracy: Can the Programme be relied upon to reflect progress achieved to date, and also the forecast for remaining works.
Overall, the above aspects together determine the level of confidence to which the Programme can be an effective project management tool.
How can Australasian Project Planning Help?
Australasian Project Planning can provide varying levels of Programme Assurance, from a basic Technical Programme review, to a full Planning and Programme assessment.
Dependent on the agreed scope, the review can occur remotely using data and information exchanged electronically, or the assessment is conducted in the organisations offices allowing interaction with the wider project team.
A preliminary assessment report is prepared and reviewed by relevant staff before being formally issued.
Australasian Project Planning can also assist with the following services:
- Collaborative Programme Development by Graphical Path Planning
- Short term Planning and Programming support
- Specified Programming Tasks (eg, re-coding or data migration)
- Development of Programmes for Schedule Risk Analyses and Linear Scheduling
More Info
For more information, use the Contact page
Planning, Programming and Controls Articles
Read the latest Articles relating to Planning, Programming and Controls below
Listing P6 Inter-Project Relationships
This article will show a method using P6 Admin Reports to list these relationships in opened projects, and as the report is stored in the database, it can be applied across any set of projects within the same database.
Project Controls Conference Sydney 2017
2017 will see an exciting event being in Sydney. The Project Controls Conference Sydney 2017 will be held at the new International Convention Centre in Darling Harbour. More details on speakers, sponsors and program to be released next year, but information is now...
Using P6 Activity Counts to review your schedule
While there are many great tools now available to analyse and present P6 schedule metrics (such as XER Schedule Toolkit) in great detail, there is a quick and easy method to run a limited number of these checks within P6 itself,...