Planning and Programming Articles and News
Listing P6 Inter-Project Relationships
This article will show a method using P6 Admin Reports to list these relationships in opened projects, and as the report is stored in the database, it can be applied across any set of projects within the same database.
Project Controls Conference Sydney 2017
2017 will see an exciting event being in Sydney. The Project Controls Conference Sydney 2017 will be held at the new International Convention Centre in Darling Harbour. More details on speakers, sponsors and program to be released next year, but information is now...
Using P6 Activity Counts to review your schedule
While there are many great tools now available to analyse and present P6 schedule metrics (such as XER Schedule Toolkit) in great detail, there is a quick and easy method to run a limited number of these checks within P6 itself,...
Primavera P6 Fill Down
A quick tip on a P6 Feature that may save some time and effort If you use P6 frequently, you've probably used the Fill Down (or CNTRL+E) option when populating data within columns in various P6 Views and Layouts such as Activity, Projects, WBS, Resources or Resource...
Project Planning, Scheduling & Project Controls Events
The following is a (non-exhaustive) list of industry and discipline events that are relevant to Project Planning and Scheduling compiled by Australasian Project Planning. If you'd like to include a suitable event on this list, use our contact form to let us know....
Schedule Contingency Methods
Overview This post provides methods of allocating time contingency, that may be useful when constructing or reviewing project schedules. Note - guidance in determining time contingency values is beyond the scope of this article. Contingency vs Float For the purposes...
Schedule Levels and Schedule Silos
A timely LinkedIn post by Kul Bhushan Uppal, served as a reminder on the purpose of schedule levels and issues around the use of these. What are Schedule Levels? AACEi Recommended Practice (RP) 27R-03 - Schedule Classification System, provides a useful definition:...
Primavera P6 Views and Layouts
This article provides a brief overview and a downloadable reference card on Primavera P6 Views and Layouts.
Relationship Float, and viewing in Primavera P6
The following article aims to explain Relationship Float and how to view these...
Using Activity Codes with Primavera P6
Activity Codes are a very important and powerful feature of Project...